An Asset- It is an item that you own
Whether cash, equipment, or land, vehicles and homes
Your stocks and bonds, all are considered an asset
You can use as chips so don't gamble no bad bets

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An Asset- It is an item that you own

Whether cash, equipment, or land, vehicles and homes

Your stocks and bonds, all are considered an asset

You can use as chips so don't gamble no bad bets

Considered current if they're convertible in a year

To cash, or else theyre fixed the profits longer to appear

Like equipment that produces a product that you then sell

That equipment can't be sold, but makin you rich as hell-

So review - If its current you can sell it real quick

If you can't, but it's makin you money, well then it's fixed

Messages get mixed so Urvin is always clear

Enablin Education's what we doin over here!

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